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Type Classification

In addition to the BWCS Bull Inspections Scheme which has been running since 2016, the Society introduced type classification in 2022 for bulls and females on a voluntary basis for herds of any size.


The scheme is run by the National Bovine Data Centre (NBDC), who currently evaluate over 130,000 dairy and beef animals every year on this internationally recognised appraisal system.


This service is intended as a way for breeders to have their herd assessed on farm by an independent body, in a way which gives the breeder practical information upon which to base future breeding decisions, as well as to be able to advertise all animals on their structural merit and that of any animals in their pedigree which would also have been classified.​


​​​Information on scoring, booking and Society funding contributions are shown below. 

Click here to view current pricing on the NBDC website​

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