Profit from British White
Profit from British White
Breed History
Choosing the right outlet for your stock will help to make them a commercial success! Take a look at the following ways to market the product of your herd:
Choosing the right outlet for your stock will help to make them a commercial success! Take a look at the following ways to market the product of your herd:

The Society
Members receive a yearly journal and a quarterly newsletter to keep them up to date with Society activities, as well as discounted advertising rates. There are various events hosted each year such as showing workshops, herd visits and the AGM at which everyone is welcome, giving the membership a great opportunity to make contacts and keep in touch!
Society Fees
Annual Membership, payable on 1st of January
Full membership – Adult: £50.00 (inc. £5.00 VAT)
Full membership – Junior* (under 21 on 1st January): £20.00 (no VAT)
Associate membership – UK: £20.00 (no VAT)
Associate membership – Overseas: £45.00 (no VAT)
*Junior Members (under 21 on 1st January) may register up to five calves per year at half price. Additional registrations in that year will be charged at full price, as will any fees for herd prefix registration, inspections and transfer of ownership.
Registration of Herd Prefix (once only): £12.00 (inc. £2.00 VAT)
Registration Fees - Females
0-3 months: £21.60 (inc. £3.60 VAT)
3-6 months: £43.20 (inc. £7.20 VAT)
6-12 months: £64.80 (inc. £10.80 VAT)
12-18 months: £132.00 (inc. £22.00 VAT)
18 months and over: £132.00 (inc. £22.00 VAT) + inspection/DNA fees may apply
Registration Fees - Bulls
There are two options. Firstly, bulls notified to the Society with ‘intention to register’ within three months of birth will be subject to a fee of £24.00 (inc. £4.00 VAT). Alternatively, bull calves notified as ‘birth notification only’ (free of charge) within three months of birth will be subject to the following fees if the Secretary is subsequently informed of intention to register:
3-6 months: £48.00 (inc. £8.00 VAT)
6-12 months: £72.00 (inc. £12.00 VAT)
12-18 months: £150.00 (inc. £25.00 VAT)
Bulls will only become fully registered upon passing inspection between 10 and 18 months of age. Members will be required to apply for their bulls to be inspected with a notice of at least one month to allow the Society time to make arrangements.
Click here to download bull inspections guide
Registration fees for ET calves are double those payable for naturally born calves.
Transfer of Ownership: £12 per animal (inc. £2.00 VAT)
Fee to be paid by the vendor WITHIN 30 DAYS OF SALE.